Beard Care: How to Maintain an Awesome-Looking Beard

Victory Premium Beard Butter Men's Grooming

The use of proper beard grooming products is essential and could be the difference between a healthy well groomed beard and a dry brittle beard
So you’ve decided to grow a beard and are wondering to yourself how on earth do I maintain, nourish and get it looking like I should be on Sons of Anarchy.  The first thing you need to know about beard care is the answer is not soap and water. This will actually dry out your beard and strip it from its natural oils.  There are plenty of beard products on the market from beard butters to beard oils but how do you cut through the clutter and choose what's best for you.  

Victory Premium Beard Butter

What is beard butter and beard oil?

Beard butter is the optimal combination and perfect balance of balm, wax and oil.  With a cream like consistency we like to call it the under armor of beard care.  It nourishes and moisturizes the hair follicles and skin under your beard deeply conditioning and softening it to help promote healthy growth and reduce any irritation that your beard may cause.  It provides a light to medium hold that generally lasts about a day. These are just a few benefits that beard butter provides:

  • Reduce Dryness & Itching
  • Prevent Beard-druff
  • Promote Healthy Growth (fill in those gaps)
  • Styling (no runaways here)
  • Stay Freshly Scented
  • Reduce Breakouts

Beard oil, the ultimate finisher in beard grooming.  Just as beard butter works to maintain your beards undercarriage beard oil is the exterior protective armor and could be the difference to having a beard that looks well-maintained and pleasing to look at, or a neglected “I don’t have time to maintain” beard.  Beard oils are a blend of one or more ingredients such as coconut oil, grape seed oil and so forth. Beard oils are designed to mimic the natural oils produced by your skin and therefore having a number of added benefits ranging from preventing hair breakage to providing a healthy looking shine.  

Put simply, beard care is a multistep process and arming yourself with the right products is the first step towards getting the beard of your dreams.  Check out Victory Premium's collection of all natural freshly scented men's beard grooming products.  

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